Southwest Scientific was selected by Horiba in 1991 to distribute their pH/Ion Selective/Conductivity Products. Since then we have serviced a wide variety of clients in North & South America. SWS provides 41 years of experience in the pH/ISE/Conductivity field & offers the latest products of this type from Horiba. We have many “Blue Chip” clients to serve.
Here are some real-world examples of the tangible benefits we have provided our customers:
A major OTC Pharma Manufacturer needed to reduce costly re-testing due to operator and instrumental error. Learn how we helped.
A major oil refinery needed to change their existing asphalt plant into a ultra clean diesel unit. Learn how we helped.
Medical microbiologists, doctors, and patients world wide need a better method of leukemia early stage detection. One of the emerging technologies is antibody/magnetic bead binding of very low concentrations of leukemia cells by affinity biochemistry. Learn how we helped.
Southwest Scientific is a Manufacturer's Representative/ Distributor Company specializing in the Biotechnology, Chemical Process, Environmental, Petroleum, and Pharmaceutical Industries since 1991.
We provide quality laboratory instrumentation in the United States.